1. Copy folder "PTC.LICENSE.WINDOWS.2022-04-21-SSQ" to temporary directory
and run "FillLicense.bat". The "PTC_D_SSQ.dat" file near batch script
contains the license file with correct PTC HOSTID will be generated
Copy generated license file to folder of choice (for example, C:\Program Files\PTC)
2. Create enviroment variable PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE=<full path to PTC_D_SSQ.dat>
3. Install PTC Creo Win64
4. Overwrite original <Creo> program folder
(by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo ) with cracked one
5. Run "SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg" and confirm to add info into Windows Registry
License file includes some floating and Super Bundle licenses
To activate floating and Super Bundle licenses in current Creo session do the next:
File > Options > Licensing > Refresh License List
Select desired or all floating licenses and Super bandles and click "OK"
To activate floating and Super Bundle licenses permanently do the next:
Run as Administrator <Creo program folder>..\Parametric\bin\reconfigure.exe
Next > Next > Customaze Applications.. > Command Configuration > Edit >
open Floating Options list > add desiged licenses to "Startup extentions and
floating options" tab > OK > Install > OK
8. Enjoy!
Cracked by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ