The installation of Creo 2.0 F001 creates duplicate entries in the Windows Control Panel, Programs and Features applet
The installation of Creo 2.0 F001 creates duplicate entries in the Windows Control Panel, Programs and Features applet
Upgrading from of Creo 2.0 F000 to F001 creates multiple uninstall entries for any app installed
Creo 2.0 F000
Creo 2.0 F001
The installation of Creo 2.0 F001 does not properly uninstall the F000 components creating duplicate entries in the Windows Control Panel Programs and Features applet
All Creo 2.0 F000 components should be uninstalled prior to installing Creo 2.0 F001
If F000 is not properly uninstalled prior to F001installation errors with the Windows Control Panel Programs and Features applet may be encountered when attempting to uninstall either version
The uninstall of either version of any Creo app listed in Programs and Features will completely uninstall that application but will leave an entry for the F000 version
The uninstall of the second F000 listing of that app will result in an error with a question prompt:
Error: "An eror ocurred while trying to uninstall Creo <app> Version 2.0 Datecode [F000]. It may have been already uninstalled. Would you like to remove Creo <app> Version 2.0 Datecode [F000] from the Programs and Features list.
Answer "Yes" to close the dialog box and remove the listing
Customers encountering this issue should remove all Creo 2.0 F001 apps in the same manner
Delete the <Creo 2.0 loadpoint> manually
Reinstall all Creo 2.0 F001 apps