Installation Crack Method for PTC Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0
=========================Directory path can not be Chinese==================================
When Steps To Designated license server, Select the Locked license file (Server is not running)
1> Open license.dat then replace all string"00-00-00-00-00-00" with your PTC_HOST_ID(MAC address jusr Your netcard physical address) then save.
2> Install your pro/E &pro/M wildfire with above modified license file.Node Locked license method and No license server installaion needed.
2.Run patchs!
Aput proe-patch.exe under directory :
<Installed location>\proeWildfire 4.0\i486_nt\obj then apply it.
Bput prom-patch1.exe under directory :
<Installed location>\proeWildfire 4.0\mech\i486_nt\bin then apply it.
Cput prom-patch2.exe under directory :
<Installed location>\proeWildfire 4.0\mech\i486_nt\ptc then apply it.
3.If you want install PTC Distributed Services,access PTC.Setup: other product->TC Distributed Services, use the modified license.dat at step one with node locked lic method. Then Put prods-patch.exe under directory :
<Installed location>\ptc_distributed_services\ then apply it.
2.MAGNiTUDE的破解文件 我使用的是64位的做介绍
PTC Wildfire 5.0 x64
1. In the crack directory open the file called "ptc.dat" and 00-00-00-00-00-00 replace with your
PTC host ID value then run "keygen.bat" which will create a license.dat.
2. Run setup and install Pro/e, Pro Mechanica and Distributed Services.
Select Locked licensing and point to license.dat created at step #1.
3. Copy the "TC_WF5_x64_Corrector.exe" to SAME LEVEL Directory as "installation directory"and run it.