PTC Wildfire 3.0 M070
1. In the crack directory open the file called ptc.dat and host to your computer name
and 00-00-00-00-00-00 to you host ID. Run keygen.bat which will create a license.dat.
打开 crack文件夹里面的 PTC.DAT文件, 重点修改 第一行 :SERVER host PTC_HOSTID=00-00-00-00-00-00 7788
用你自己的主机名替换掉 server 后面的 那个单词 host ,PTC_HOSTID不要修改,切记, 然后再用你电脑的主机MAC替换掉 后面的12个0,格式参照00-00-00-00-00-00,中间是短横杠;
修改完毕,再运行里面的批处理文件: KEYGEN.BAT 生成许可证文件;
2. Run setup and Install the Ptc License manager. Browse to the license.dat file created
in step #1.
3. Run setup and install Pro/e, Pro Mechanica and Distributed Services.
运行安装proe的主程序和Mechanica和Distributed Services,后面两项如果不需要,就不用安装.
4. Copy the "PTC-WF3-M070.exe" patcher to the following directories and run it:
- Pro/e: x:\Program Files\proeWildfire 3.0\i486_nt\obj
- Pro/Mechanica: x:\Program Files\mechWildfire 3.0\i486_nt\bin
- Distributed Services: x:\Program Files\ptc_distributed_services\i486_nt\obj
安装完毕后,把PTC-WF3-M070.exe复制到proe的安装路径 : x:\Program Files\proeWildfire 3.0\i486_nt\obj里面,然后运行他,(实际路径根据你自己的安装位置选择),如果前面已经安装了Mechanica和Distributed Services,在这里也要复制到对应的位置,然后运行PTC-WF3-M070.exe来PATCH,
5. To full license Vericut copy "WF3-Vericut-5.4.4.exe" to x:\Program Files\proeWildfire 3.0
\i486_nt\obj and run it. Also edit "x:\Program Files\proeWildfire 3.0\bin\proev.bat" and edit the 3rd
to last line in the file (add the comment "PTC_KEY=0").
- e.g. %start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%\bin\javaw" -Xms16m -Xmx64m -Xss4m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;
%CGTECH_CLASSES%\CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr% PTC_KEY=0
[ 本帖最后由 hycad 于 2007-11-29 09:01 编辑 ] |