1. In the crack directory open the file called ptc.dat and 00-00-00-00-00-00 replace with your
PTC host ID value (use "Program Files\proeWildfire 5.0\bin\ptchostid.bat" to get it).
Run keygen.bat which will create a license.dat.
2. Run setup and install Pro/e, Pro Mechanica and Distributed Services.
Select Locked licensing and point to license.dat created at step #1.
3. Copy the "PTC_WF5_Corrector.exe" to "Program Files\"and run it. Patching may need some minutes!
1. In the crack directory open the file called ptc.dat and 00-00-00-00-00-00 replace with your
PTC host ID value (use "Program Files\proeWildfire 5.0\bin\ptchostid.bat" to get it).
Run keygen.bat which will create a license.dat.
2. Run setup and install Pro/e, Pro Mechanica and Distributed Services.
Select Locked licensing and point to license.dat created at step #1.
3. Copy the "PTC_WF5_x64_Corrector.exe" to "Program Files\"and run it. |