pro/e 3.0(M010)的安装方法
1.Use the Keygen.exe to generate your PTC HOST_ID license file; 1:按说明,运行 keygen.exe ,填入网卡ID(PTC HOST ID),生成一个LIC文件.修改此LIC文件,将 _hostname_改为自己的计算机名! ---------------------------- 注意:HostID输写格式为:XX-XX-XX...保留中间的-,否则生成的Lic无效。 ---------------------------- 2.Install the PTC License Server with your PTC HOST_ID license file which you got from Step 1; 2:安装PTC License Server先。并使用第1步生成的License授权文件(类型选单机版安装) ---------------------------- 重启电脑!!!(不重启会提示LICENSE版本不对的报错,要重起电脑这事!!!) 这步是关键!!!!!! ---------------------------- 3.Install Pro/ENGINEER, and select Single Server license type as the Pro/ENGINEER license; then fill "your computer name" as the HOSTNAME in the BLANK before the port "7788". 安装Pro/Engineer Wildfire 3.0,授权类型选择Single Server license type(单机服务器)做为Pro/e授权方式。 然后填写你的"your computer name"(电脑名可在安装PRO/E界面上找到)作为Hostname。(填写位置在7788数字前面那个空白框框内) 选择一种自己喜欢的语言安装。 *If you click the Setup Option" VERICUT (R) for Pro/ENGINEER" when you install Pro/ENGINEER and wanna the VERICUT as the *embedded software for pro/e, you should also do the following two steps for the embedded VERICUT: 如果你选"VERICUT (R) for Pro/ENGINEER" 选项要安装这个软件,那还需要做如下两步(如果没选中这项目安装则无需如下处理): * A. Copy the patched CGtech.dll into the installed directory \proeWildfire 3.0\i486_nt\obj to replace the original one. 第一步:将Crack下的CGtech.dll复制到你的安装目录\proeWildfire 3.0\i486_nt\obj目录下覆盖原来存在的。 * B. Find the following file in the installed directory \proeWildfire 3.0\bin\proev.bat and open it with an Editor software, 第二步. 打开\proeWildfire 3.0\bin\proev.bat并编辑这个文件。搜索:Vericut %argstr% 并全改成Vericut %argstr% PTC_KEY=0 然后保存! * search * Vericut %argstr% * and replace it with the following string: * Vericut %argstr% PTC_KEY=0 * then save the file. the purpose of the step B. is to forbid the VERICUT to use the PTC lic as its lic.Actually, CGtech * no longer supports its VERICUT as an embedded software for pro/e and no longer uses PTC lic.FYI, See the CGtech official * website said: * http://www.cgtech.com/ptc_update/index.htm 4.Install Pro/Mechanica(Structural and Thermal Simulation) like Step 3. 安装Pro/Mechanica步骤同第三步 5.Install PTC Distributed Services.this step will automatically get the lic from the lic server installed at step 2. 6.That is all and enjoy it! 其他几步就不用说明了。:)看英文。 这是全功能版(M010),具体的安装方法还可参考ProE3.0参考安装说明目录。 |