招聘人数: 1 招聘对象: 社会人才 专业要求: 机械工程类; 工作经验: 5年以上
工作地点: 广东-珠海市-香洲区 学历要求: 大专 外语要求: 英语
薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 25-40 是否提供食宿: 面议
Stepping motors, DC permanent motor (with or without gear box, brake), DC permanent magnet servo motor, Brushless DC motor
Job description:
1.Sourcing new suppliers, price & terms and conditions of sales negotiation, PO execution, handle RTV, follow up sample and approval status for above component, subassembly or finished products.
2.Consolidate; analysis and report to management for cost reduction program.
3.Maintenance ERP system that related to purchase activities.
4.Cooperate with relevant departments on follow up routine purchasing activities for direct and indirect material.
5.Monitoring supplier performance to ensure quality of service on delivery, quality and technology knowhow.
6.Manage PO or inventory surplus to decrease inventory level.
7.Demonstrates continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively with other department to provide seamless service.
Job requirement:
1.Tertiary education or above in purchasing, supply chain management.
2.5+ years purchasing working experience in motor field.
3.Solid experience in EMS industry with high mix, low to medium volume purchase.
4.Proficient in MS office application.
5.Well understand MRP/ERP workflow.
6.Good command of English in written; good in speak will be an advantage.
7.Willing to travel in China.
1. 五天八小时工作制.
2. 按规定签订劳动合同和购买社会保险.
3. 享有国家法定节假日.
4. 符合条件享有国家规定的年假, 婚假, 产假, 看护假等假期.
5. 根据企业效益给予一定比例的年终奖金.
6. 表现优秀给予晋升调薪机会.
乘车路线: 珠海香洲站:乘坐201到"蓝溪风景"站下车后往前走200米左右(沿路经希友达, 金属材料公司)有一路口(广生小学对面路口进),向右拐沿路口直走50米为"卡通基地"进去工业园区, 我司在米黄色建筑二楼, 开门请进.
珠海拱北站:乘坐601,608"蓝溪风景"站下车后往前走200米左右(沿路经希友达, 金属材料公司)有一路口(广生小学对面路口进),向右拐沿路口直走50米为"卡通基地"进去工业园区, 我司在米黄色建筑二楼, 开门请进.
宏升电机科技(珠海)有限公司是美国总公司设在珠海的生产基地,于2007年3月份注册成立.主要经营范围为生产及销售自产的小型电机及电机商品和配件的批发、进出口业务,主要产品为变速箱马达(直流电机).公司提供良好的工作环境及优厚的待遇,公司产品及详情可进入本公司网站查询,期待优秀的您加盟! (公司网站:www.electrocraft.com)
请发送简历到motorlietou@163.com 或者直接与本人联系电话:0755-86153013 |