Creo 1.0: Just the Apps: New apps, New namesBy Geoff Hedges | Published: March 25, 2011
As promised, we now have names for all the Creo 1.0 role-based apps, planned for release in June 2011. You’ll see we pretty much kept the names as short and descriptive as we could. Kind of keeps it easier for everyone. So, without further fuss…
- Creo Parametric is the app for parametric modeling (as you might guess). All the capabilities of Creo Elements/Pro aka Pro/ENGINEER.
- Creo Direct is your direct modeling app when you want to interact directly with the 3D geometry.
- Creo Simulate is the analyst app. Use it for structural and thermal simulation.
- Creo Layout is the app for anybody who wants to flesh out early concept layout work in 2D, with the intention of ultimately evolving the design to 3D.
- Creo Schematics is the app for creating 2D routed systems diagrams, like cabling and piping.
- Creo Illustrate is an app full of tools for those who need to communicate complex service information concepts graphically in 3D.
- Creo View MCAD is a lighter weight app for those who want to view, interrogate, and mark up MCAD geometry.
- Creo View ECAD is another light weight app. But for ECAD geometry.
- Creo Sketch is your app everything you need to quickly capture a design idea in 2D.
We’ll be looking at each of the apps in more detail in future articles
此后我们熟知的PROE 改名叫Parametric 了
Illustrate 不知道是干什么, 盼指点, 是之前的2001 的CONCEPET吗?
[ 本帖最后由 qdlzc 于 2011-4-20 08:43 编辑 ] |