还是老问题 打开闪了一下就关了。 论坛上的几个方法都用过了
后来找到默认文件夹 打开TRAIL.TXT 居然可以开打PROE
新建一下可以 但是使用起来非常的卡。
时不时会被弹出来 看了下STD.ERR文件
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Component 'sash_left@main_dlg_w1' is being resized when UI_redraw_Attr == FALSE
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Component 'PHTLeft.ProExplorerTab@main_dlg_w1' is being resized when UI_redraw_Attr == FALSE
%UIMSG-USER-ERROR, Did not find resource translation file "regenstatusbar.txt"
%UIMSG-USER-ERROR, Did not find resource translation file "procmdsimprocguide.txt"
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: Selobj_bin, in device: rmb_popup, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: SortClmn, in device: preferences, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: SortClmn, in device: preferences, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: SortClmn, in device: preferences, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: SortClmn, in device: preferences, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: SortClmn, in device: preferences, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to do operation 33 to component: AssyTree, in device: preferences
%UIMSG-USER-ERROR, Did not find resource translation file "slidpanel.txt"
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: PH.smt_drv_label, in device: extrev_2_options.0.0, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attempt to set focus on a non-focusable component maindashInst0.thickness_ip, in Dialog main_dlg_w1
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: main_dlg_w1, in device: main_dlg_w1
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attempt to set focus on a non-focusable component maindashInst0.thickness_ip, in Dialog main_dlg_w1
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: main_dlg_w1, in device: main_dlg_w1
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attempt to set focus on a non-focusable component t1.RefMru, in Dialog Odui_Dlg_01
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: Odui_Dlg_01, in device: Odui_Dlg_01
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attempt to set focus on a non-focusable component pg_vis_tab, in Dialog Odui_Dlg_01
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: Odui_Dlg_01, in device: Odui_Dlg_01
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: t0.Pause, in device: Odui_Dlg_01, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: t1.UsePrevPlnB, in device: Odui_Dlg_01, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: t1.FlipB, in device: Odui_Dlg_01, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: t1.SkViewOM, in device: Odui_Dlg_01, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attempt to set focus on a non-focusable component maindashInst0.thickness_ip, in Dialog main_dlg_w1
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: main_dlg_w1, in device: main_dlg_w1
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attribute: Label, cannot be programmatically modified for component: SccCleanSep@rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: SccCleanSep, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to set action on component: SccCleanSep, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attribute: Label, cannot be programmatically modified for component: SccFinishSep@rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: SccFinishSep, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to set action on component: SccFinishSep, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attribute: Label, cannot be programmatically modified for component: separator_popup@rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: separator_popup, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to set action on component: separator_popup, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attribute: Label, cannot be programmatically modified for component: SccCleanSep@rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: SccCleanSep, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to set action on component: SccCleanSep, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attribute: Label, cannot be programmatically modified for component: SccFinishSep@rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: SccFinishSep, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to set action on component: SccFinishSep, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Attribute: Label, cannot be programmatically modified for component: separator_popup@rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to modify component: separator_popup, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to set action on component: separator_popup, in device: rmb_popup
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: ShowRepaint, in device: visual_dlg0, for set action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: SelAssemBtn, in device: visual_dlg0, for set action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: InfoBtn, in device: visual_dlg0, for set action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: RefList, in device: visual_dlg0, for set action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: RefList, in device: visual_dlg0, for inquire
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: RefList, in device: visual_dlg0, for inquire
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: RefList, in device: visual_dlg0, for inquire
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: InfoBtn, in device: visual_dlg0, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: RefList, in device: visual_dlg0, for inquire
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: RefList, in device: visual_dlg0, for inquire
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: RefList, in device: visual_dlg0, for inquire
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, _dui_pop_placeholder - Could not find a placeholder menu for device 'main_dlg_w1'
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: maindashInst0.flip_pb, in device: main_dlg_w1, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: maindashInst0.solid_surf_rg, in device: main_dlg_w1, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: maindashInst0.thin_cb, in device: main_dlg_w1, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: maindashInst0.remove_material_cb, in device: main_dlg_w1, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: dashInst0.Pause, in device: main_dlg_w1, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: PH.depth1_om, in device: extrev_2_options.0.0, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: PH.cap_cb, in device: extrev_2_options.0.0, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: PH.depth2_om, in device: extrev_2_options.0.0, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: PH.smt_bends_check, in device: extrev_2_options.0.0, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: PH.smt_rad_side_om, in device: extrev_2_options.0.0, for remove action
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Failed to do operation 31 to component: PHTLeft.AssyTree, in device: main_dlg_w1
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: Selobj_bin, in device: rmb_popup, for modify
%UIMSG-APPLICATION-ERROR, Could not find component: Selobj_bin, in device: rmb_popup, for modify
翻译了一下 也弄不明白是什么问题 我的本本是神舟 优雅HP640 D3
有看的懂的大大能解释下嘛? |